htc cast parents' information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment for Hannon Theatre cast members?
Review the calendar. The time commitment is arduous. We do not put on high school-level shows at Hannon; the theatre company fully adheres to the college preparatory mission of Loyola High School. Carefully review the calendar.
Where do the girls that participate in HTC come from?
Girls come from as many as 14 different schools in the greater Los Angeles area. As the only co-ed activity on campus, Hannon Theatre is privileged to be able to offer the opportunity for talented females to participate in our program. HTC's female actors often include girls from Marlborough School, Girls Academic Leadership Academy, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, Immaculate Heart High School, Marymount High School, etc.
Who should I contact if unexpected conflicts arise for my son/daughter?
Email Mr. Kuhl at jkuhl@loyolahs.edu (preferred) or leave him a voicemail at (213) 381-5121 x 2928. If you must, you can reach him via his cell phone. The number for his private line will be/was given out at the preliminary Parents' Meeting before callback auditions. Illnesses and family emergencies are examples of excused unexpected absences. These absences nonetheless affect the rehearsal schedule for that day and should be relayed to the director by 10am that morning so the schedule can be rectified and a substitute can be called in. It is imperative that students and parents make every effort to adhere to the time commitment outlined and agreed upon on the conflict form.
What is the policy with pick-ups after rehearsal?
The Stage Manager is responsible for ensuring the director releases cast members at the scheduled dismissal time for every rehearsal. As a result, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that cast members are picked up at the dismissal time. If you are running late, either let your son/daughter know so he can alert the Stage Manager, or alert the Stage Manager directly. This way the appropriate accommodations with the Loyola High School security staff can be made.
Am I allowed to observe my son/daughter during a rehearsal?
No. Hannon Theatre holds closed rehearsals. Allowing visitors to observe rehearsals would be a liability issue as well as reveal performance secrets that are key to ensuring viewer experiences during the show. Visitors are not permitted to enter the rehearsal space, whether it be in the Berendo Music Building or Hannon Theatre.
What are the photography and video policies?
Photography and videography of any kind during the performances is strictly prohibited. Loyola High School enters into contracts for its performances and may be sued if any photography or video is recorded. Each cast member is given a CD of production stills taken by a professional photographer (covered in the cast fee).
What are technical rehearsals?
The technical rehearsals are the only period in which the technical staff has to learn and perfect their roles for performances. By their nature, technical rehearsals are tedious for cast members. “Hurry up and wait” is a common theme of technical rehearsals for the cast. On the other hand, cast members do have time to work on schoolwork during technical rehearsals.
What is the "BYOD" policy?
The "Bring Your Own Dinner" policy is the Hannon Theatre policy regarding bringing food for your son/daughter after rehearsals have begun. For liability reasons, students are required to bring their own "brown bag dinners." After rehearsals have moved into the theatre space from the Berendo Music Building, a microwave oven is available for cast members to utilize.
What is strike?
Strike is the post-production activity of returning and sorting costumes, dismantling the set, and any other activity related to preparing the theatre for the next production. Strike usually is held on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following the last performance from 2:30-6pm and is mandatory for all company members.
Can my son/daughter host a company party during the tech rehearsals / performance period?
No. Please do not allow students to host parties for the entire or partial company at your home or at another location. This is not advisable at any time, but it is strictly prohibited once technical rehearsals begin. Please do not condone any student planning, hosting, or attending any party which takes place after tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, or performances. High school students are developmentally unable to assess their own level of fatigue. Because they are on an adrenaline high after a tech rehearsal or performance, they often mistake that temporary euphoria for the ability to function at their maximum potential, when in fact they are operating with depleted energy and concentration skills. Rest should be encouraged vehemently to ensure their safety and to allow for them to recuperate for the next rehearsal / performance. A single company party is held after the final performance and is organized by the student Theatre Council.

Contact Information
Interim Artistic Director: John Kuhl (cell # to be given at the parent meeting); jkuhl@loyolahs.edu
LHS Security: (213) 381-5121 x 1901