htc crew parents' information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment expected of HTC crew members?
Students involved in the crew are called Wednesdays and Fridays for construction until 7pm at the start of production. As the production period progresses, Thursdays are added to the schedule and dismissal times are extended. The basic requirement is that all crew members are present for at least two days a week and stay until clean up (dismissal time) for at least one day a week. Students unable to maintain this commitment may be asked to leave the company. Communication with the Student Technical Director and Stage Manager are essential in managing student schedules.
What is the policy with pick-ups after crew sessions?
The Student Technical Director is responsible for ensuring the Technical Director releases crew members at the scheduled dismissal time for every crew session. As a result, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that crew members are picked up at the dismissal time. If you are running late, either let your son/daughter know so he can alert the Student Technical Director, or alert the Student Technical Director himself. This way the appropriate accommodations with the Loyola High School security staff can be made.
What are the photography and video policies?
Photography and videography of any kind during the performances is strictly prohibited. Loyola High School enters into contracts for its performances and may be sued if any photography or video is recorded. Crew members are invited to purchase a CD of production stills taken by a professional photographer for $20; they may be purchased through the Stage Manager at any time and will be delivered after the production period.
Can my son/daughter host a company party during the tech rehearsals / performance period?
No. Please do not allow students to host parties for the entire or partial company at your home or at another location. Please do not condone any student planning, hosting, or attending any party which takes place after performances. High school students are developmentally unable to assess their own level of fatigue. Because they are on an adrenaline high after a performance, they often mistake that temporary euphoria for the ability to function at their maximum potential, when in fact they are operating with depleted energy and concentration skills. Rest should be encouraged vehemently to ensure their safety and to allow for them to recuperate for the next performance. A single company party is held after the final performance and is organized by the student Theatre Council.
Are visitors allowed to observe crew sessions / enter the theatre?
Barring emergencies or early pick-ups, no outside access is permitted to the theatre during crew sessions. This policy is in place for liability and safety reasons as well as preserving the artistic image of the production before performances. A break is offered to students to enjoy a prepared snack or purchase food from Zlicious, the vendor on campus.
What is the running crew?
The running crew consists of the crew members responsible for completing the set and running the show during dress rehearsals and performances. Running crew members are chosen based on hours served, work effort observed, interaction with others, etc. The tech week schedule is strenuous and should be reviewed (see the calendar) with your son/daughter before he/she accepts a role on the running crew.
What is Senior Paint Night ?
For every production, the finishing touch of completing the set building project is to clean the theatre up by repainting the floor in the seating area and any part of the stage space that needs large areas painted. The floor can only be painted after rehearsal because it takes hours to dry. Painting it immediately before everyone leaves for the night allows the floor to dry and cure before an audience walks on it the following day.
It as been a tradition for over 20 years that seniors who can drive themselves home are invited to stay late the evening before our final dress rehearsal and preview. It is an optional activity. Although the help is extremely appreciated, only those who are not too tired are encouraged to stay and help. Permission forms will be distributed several days prior to the event and no one will be allowed to stay late unless the parents (regardless of the age of the senior) have given their permission via the permission form or an email to that effect addressed to the director.
What is strike?
Strike is the post-production activity of returning and sorting costumes, dismantling the set, and any other activity related to preparing the theatre for the next production. Strike usually is held on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following the last performance from 2:30-6pm and is mandatory for all company members.
What contact information should I have?
Interim Artistic Director: John Kuhl; jkuhl@loyolahs.edu
Stage Manager 2022-23: Gus Cohen; augustcohen@lhsla.org
LHS Security: (213) 381-5121 x 1901