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Hannon Theatre was home, a refuge and safe space and the first place that enabled me to see that I could really be creative. It taught me professionalism, artistic endurance, fostered creativity, encouraged collaboration, and prepared me for future endeavors in theatre and in life
- Ariel Joshua Domingo, HTC '02

"HTC is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in performance and stagecraft, of theatre on a professional level. Not all of our actors go on to union stage and film work, although many do. But what Hannon does do is instill a prolific work ethic; the ability to sythesize and analyze text, coneptualize and execute the building of all scenery and most of all, demand personal growth and exploration that rivals any repetory theatre."
Andrew Galindo HTC '08

© 2022 by Hannon Theatre Company. This website is independently run by Hannon Theatre Supporters and is not officially affiliated with the Loyola High School website. Webmaster: Fletcher Wolfe, HTC '15 Created with

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